The following are some of the reveries of magic.[1] A whetstone upon which iron tools have been frequently sharpened,
if put, without his being aware of it, beneath the pillow of a
person sinking under the effects of poison, will make him give
evidence and declare what poison has been administered, and
at what time and place, though at the same time he will not
disclose the author of the crime. When a person has been
struck by lightning, if the body is turned upon the side which
has sustained the injury, he will instantly recover the power
of speech—that is quite certain.[2] For the cure of inguinal
tumours, some persons take the thrum of an old web, and after
tying seven or nine knots in it, mentioning at each knot the
name of some widow woman or other, attach it to the part
affected. To assuage the pain of a wound, they recommend
the party to take a nail or any other substance that has been
trodden under foot, and to wear it, attached to the body with
the thrum of a web. To get rid of warts, some lie in a
footpath with the face upwards, when the moon is twenty days
old at least, and after fixing their gaze upon it, extend their
arms above the head, and rub themselves with anything
within their reach. If a person is extracting a corn at the
moment that a star shoots, he will experience an immediate
cure,[3] they say. By pouring vinegar upon the hinges of a
door, a thick liniment is formed, which, applied to the forehead, will alleviate headache: an effect equally produced, we
are told, by binding the temples with a halter with which a
man has been hanged. When a fish-bone happens to stick in
the throat, it will go down immediately, if the person plunges
his feet into cold water; but where the accident has happened
with any other kind of bone, the proper remedy is to apply
to the head some fragments of bones taken from the same dish.
In cases where bread has stuck in the throat, the best plan is
to take some of the same bread, and insert it in both ears.